Are you considering using a Pay-Per-View system but your not sure how to go about it, or are you trying to find out what it involves, if so then read on…
Pay-Per-View means what it suggests, you are paying to view a particular Live Stream or On-Demand event, this may be your favourite football team or a sales course that you have purchased online, to this extent the content is a paid-for service.
42 Live Pay-Per-View system is provided by through our partner In-Player and is very easy to set up and get your content online so you can monetise your Live Streaming or video-on-demand content.
Pay-per-view streaming is available with our multi-bit rate player so that the end-user can enjoy the content across a range of devices from their Phone to a Smart Television, all from our cloud platform.
We are ready to help you create your online event and start earning repeat revenues.